Victor Prato, a 25 year old resident of Somers, NY, was serving as a 1st Lt. in the US Army 82nd Airborne, when on November 13, 2017 he and his men were attacked by a suicide bomber in Afghanistan. He suffered serious and life altering injures and will now need extensive and long term care.
This comes with many challenges and this effort is to help him and his family cope with all the bills and financial repercussions of this kind of injury. This is a great opportunity for us to help with that burden and all of Victor’s upcoming challenges.
John Crowley, executive officer of Prato’s company, and fellow Somers High School graduate, earlier told The Somers Record that Prato was in “fairly good spirits,” and seemed himself despite sustaining serious wounds in the attack.
“Victor definitely has a long road to recovery ahead of him but I am hopeful he will push through,” Crowley said in November.
Please help us thank Victor for his service, and sacrifice to his country, by purchasing a shirt in his honor. All proceeds going to Victor to aid in his recovery and subsequent expenses.
A portion of the proceeds from this event will go to support Victor Prato.
The shirt is being model by John Ahearn, one of the leading volunteers behind this initiative. Each shirt including shipping is $25 dollars.
Click here to purchase a shirt :
Alternatively you may make a direct donation to help support Victor Prato